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Life expectancy in Germany increases again in 2023

BERLIN, Aug. 21 (Xinhua) — After the coronavirus pandemic, German life expectancy was on the rise again in 2023, according to data released on Wednesday by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis).
The average life expectancy at birth in 2023 is 83.3 years for women and 78.6 years for men. This means that life expectancy for both genders has increased by around 0.4 years compared to the previous year, said Destatis.
During the pandemic years 2020 to 2022, life expectancy fell by 0.6 years for both men and women compared to 2019.
“The level from 2019 has therefore not yet been reached again. However, there is a clear catch-up effect,” said Destatis.
Meanwhile, the East-West differences are leveling out again. In 2022, life expectancy at birth began to recover in eastern Germany after significant declines during the first two years of the pandemic, while it continued to decrease in western Germany. In 2023, life expectancy increased in both regions, with a slightly greater rise in eastern Germany. ■
